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Compost Tea vs. Compost Extract: What’s the Difference? 

10 Oct 2023
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Difference between Compost Tea vs Compost Extract


Composting is a widely recognized sustainable practice that involves the decomposition of organic matter to create nutrient-rich soil amendments. Two popular products derived from composting are compost tea and compost extract. Both are used to promote plant growth and enhance soil health. This article will explore the similarities between compost tea and compost extract, followed by an in-depth analysis of their differences, application, brewing processes, additives, and shelf life. Additionally, we will guide readers in choosing the right solution based on their specific gardening or farming goals.

What’s the Difference between Compost Tea and Compost Extract?

Before diving into the differences between compost tea and compost extract, it is essential to highlight their commonalities. Both compost tea and compost extract are derived from the composting process and serve as natural, organic fertilizers. They contain beneficial microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and other microbes, which play a crucial role in promoting plant health and improving soil structure. Additionally, both products aid in nutrient retention and uptake by plants, thereby increasing their resistance to diseases and pests.

The key differences between compost tea and extract are their production processes and microbial content. Compost tea involves a more complex brewing process, where compost is aerated over an extended period to cultivate a higher concentration of aerobic microorganisms, resulting in a more potent and sustained effect on plant growth. In contrast, compost extract is a simpler and faster solution, obtained by soaking compost in water for a shorter duration, leaching the beneficial microorganisms into the liquid. While compost tea is ideal for long-term soil improvement and larger agricultural areas, compost extract is more suitable for quick applications and smaller gardening needs, providing an immediate nutrient boost to plants.

What Is Compost Extract?

Compost extract is a liquid solution created by mixing compost with water. This process allows the beneficial microorganisms present in the compost to be extracted into the water, forming a nutrient-rich liquid that can be easily applied to plants and soil. Unlike compost tea, compost extract does not require a complex brewing process.

Composition: Compost extract contains a diverse array of beneficial microorganisms, enzymes, and soluble nutrients. When the compost is mixed with water, these components leach into the liquid, providing immediate benefits to plants upon application.

Production and Usage: Compost extract is relatively simpler and faster to produce compared to compost tea. It can be made by merely soaking compost in water for a short period, typically between 1 to 24 hours. Once the extraction is complete, the liquid can be directly applied to the soil or used as a foliar spray to boost plant growth and enhance soil health.

Effect on Plant Growth: Compost extract’s immediate availability of nutrients and microorganisms promotes rapid plant growth and encourages the establishment of a healthy microbial community in the soil.

What Is Compost Tea?

Compost tea is another liquid fertilizer obtained from compost, but its production involves a more complex brewing process to cultivate and multiply beneficial microorganisms.

Composition: Compost tea contains a more concentrated and diverse population of beneficial microorganisms. The brewing process provides a suitable environment for these microorganisms to multiply, ensuring a higher microbial count compared to compost extract.

Brewing Process: The brewing process for compost tea involves aerating the compost-water mixture over an extended period, typically between 24 to 48 hours. This aeration stimulates the growth of aerobic microorganisms while discouraging anaerobic ones. The goal is to achieve a high population of beneficial aerobic microbes, which are most beneficial for plants and soil health.

Additives: In some cases, compost tea may include additives, such as sugars, to fuel the rapid growth of microorganisms during the brewing process, further enhancing its potency.

Effect on Plant Growth: Due to its higher microbial count, compost tea provides a more potent and sustained effect on plant growth and soil health. It improves nutrient availability and disease resistance, resulting in healthier and more robust plants.

Understanding The Difference Between Compost Tea vs. Compost Extract

Compost tea and compost extract are two distinct natural fertilizers derived from composting, with each having unique characteristics in terms of production, application, and effects on plant growth and soil health.

Compost tea involves a more intricate brewing process, requiring aeration of the compost-water mixture over a period of 24 to 48 hours to cultivate a higher concentration of beneficial aerobic microorganisms. This results in a more potent and sustained effect on plant growth, making compost tea particularly suitable for long-term soil health improvement and larger agricultural areas. Conversely, compost extract is a simpler and faster solution, achieved by soaking compost in water for a shorter duration, allowing the natural leaching of microorganisms into the liquid.

As a result, compost extract is ideal for quick applications, providing an immediate nutrient boost to plants, and is more appropriate for smaller-scale gardening needs. Compost tea may aslo incorporate additives, such as sugars, to enhance microbial growth during the brewing process, while compost extract relies solely on the natural leaching process. Additionally, compost extract has a shorter shelf life compared to compost tea, as its microbial population gradually declines over time.

Overall, the choice between compost tea and compost extract depends on the specific requirements of plants and the gardening or farming goals, allowing for tailored soil enrichment and plant growth.

Compost Extract or Compost Tea? Choosing the Right Solution

Compost tea and compost extract are valuable tools for organic gardening and farming. While they share similarities in being natural fertilizers with beneficial microorganisms, their production methods, application, and effects on plant growth vary significantly. By understanding the differences between compost tea and compost extract, gardeners and farmers can make informed decisions to achieve optimal soil health and enhance plant growth sustainably. Whether it’s the immediate nutrient boost of compost extract or the long-term benefits of compost tea, both options contribute to a greener and healthier environment.

When deciding between compost extract and compost tea, farmers should consider their specific plants’ needs and their gardening or farming goals. For quick nutrient boosts and immediate applications, compost extract is a convenient choice. On the other hand, for long-term soil health improvement and sustained plant growth, compost tea may be more suitable.

For those interested in exploring sustainable and organic products to enhance soil health and plant growth, ROI Biologicals offers ROI Reset, a premium compost extract. This product is designed to rejuvenate and restore soil health by providing a diverse population of beneficial microorganisms and essential nutrients to plants.

Wondering how biologicals can help your farm increase yields? Test your soil for free or contact us today to learn more about how ROI Biologicals can transform your farming practices for the better.