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What Are Agricultural Biologicals? – Definitions, Examples, & More

21 Oct 2023
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What Are Agricultural Biologicals


In today’s world, there is a rising demand for sustainable agricultural practices. With the increasing global population and the urgent need to minimize environmental impact, it is more important than ever to adopt farming practices that are both efficient and environmentally friendly. One way to achieve this is by reducing the dependency on chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and this is where agricultural biologicals come into play. They are a key component in contributing to environmental conservation while maintaining high agricultural productivity.

What are Agricultural Biologicals?

Agricultural biologicals are a group of farming products made from naturally occurring microorganisms, plant extracts, beneficial insects, and other organic matter. They are used to enhance plant growth, control pests and diseases, and improve soil health and fertility. These biologicals are a crucial element in sustainable agriculture as they offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional chemical-based products. By using agricultural biologicals, farmers can reduce their dependency on chemical fertilizers and pesticides, which is crucial for the environment and the health of both the consumers and the farmworkers.

Moreover, the role of agricultural biologicals extends beyond just being an alternative to chemical products. They also help in improving the overall soil structure, increasing the nutrient uptake by plants, and enhancing the plants’ natural defense mechanisms. In short, agricultural biologicals not only contribute to reducing the adverse effects of traditional farming but also play an active role in enhancing the overall productivity and sustainability of the agriculture ecosystem.

How Do Agricultural Biologicals Work?

The science behind how agricultural biologicals work is fascinating and involves several biological mechanisms. For instance, some biofertilizers work by forming symbiotic relationships with plant roots, helping them to absorb nutrients more efficiently. Biopesticides, on the other hand, may work by producing compounds that are toxic to pests but harmless to plants and humans. Other agricultural biologicals, such as biostimulants, work by enhancing the plant’s natural processes, leading to increased nutrient uptake, better stress tolerance, and improved crop quality.

Types & Examples of Agricultural Biologicals

Agricultural biologicals are key players in the push towards more sustainable farming practices. They are broadly categorized into three types: biofertilizers, biopesticides, and biostimulants.


Biofertilizers are microorganisms that help plants grow by increasing the availability of essential nutrients in the soil. These microorganisms form symbiotic relationships with the plants, aiding in nutrient absorption, and ultimately leading to healthier, more productive crops.

Examples of biofertilizers include:

  • Rhizobium: a bacteria that forms a symbiotic relationship with leguminous plants, helping them to fix nitrogen from the atmosphere.
  • Azospirillum: a nitrogen-fixing bacteria that benefits non-leguminous plants like corn and wheat.
  • Mycorrhizal fungi form a symbiotic relationship with plant roots, helping them absorb water and nutrients from the soil.


Biopesticides are natural organisms or substances derived from organisms that are used to control pests. They include microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses, as well as natural substances like plant extracts and insect pheromones.

Examples of biopesticides include:

  • Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt): a bacterium that produces proteins toxic to certain insects.
  • Neem oil: a natural oil extracted from the neem tree that has insecticidal properties.
  • Nematodes: microscopic worms that attack and kill insect larvae in the soil.


Biostimulants are substances or microorganisms that, when applied to plants or the soil, stimulate natural processes to enhance nutrient uptake, nutrient use efficiency, tolerance to abiotic stress, and crop quality.

Examples of biostimulants include:

  • Humic and fulvic acids: organic acids found in soil that can improve soil structure, water retention, and nutrient availability.
  • Seaweed extracts: contain various plant growth-promoting substances such as hormones, vitamins, and amino acids.
  • Trichoderma: a genus of fungi that can enhance root growth, nutrient uptake, and disease resistance.

Each of these categories of agricultural biologicals plays a crucial role in promoting healthier, more productive crops while minimizing environmental impact. As the world continues to move towards more sustainable agricultural practices, the importance and use of agricultural biologicals will undoubtedly continue to grow.

Benefits of Using Agricultural Biologicals

Using agricultural biologicals brings a host of environmental and economic benefits. From an environmental perspective, they reduce the dependency on chemical fertilizers and pesticides, which can contaminate soil and water, harm non-target organisms, and contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Agricultural biologicals, on the other hand, are naturally occurring and biodegradable, minimizing environmental impact. They also help improve soil health and structure, increase water use efficiency, and enhance plant resilience to stressors such as drought and disease.

From an economic standpoint, agricultural biologicals can lead to cost savings by reducing the need for chemical inputs. They can also lead to higher crop yields and better crop quality, which can increase a farmer’s profitability. Additionally, as consumers are becoming more aware and concerned about the environmental impact of the food they consume, there is a growing demand for sustainably produced products. Using agricultural biologicals can help farmers meet this demand and access new markets.

Make a Sustainable Choice for Your Farm with ROI Biologicals

Agricultural biologicals, which include biofertilizers, biopesticides, and biostimulants, are natural products that enhance plant growth, control pests and diseases, and improve soil health and fertility. They offer a host of environmental and economic benefits, such as reducing the dependency on chemical fertilizers and pesticides, improving soil health and structure, increasing water use efficiency, enhancing plant resilience to stressors, leading to higher crop yields and better crop quality, and ultimately increasing a farmer’s profitability. One company that specializes in providing innovative, effective, and environmentally friendly agricultural biological products is ROI Biologicals.

ROI Biologicals offers a range of product offerings, including biofertilizers and more eco-friendly products,  all designed to help farmers enhance crop productivity while minimizing environmental impact. By choosing ROI Biologicals’ products, farmers and agricultural professionals are making a sustainable choice for their farms, contributing to a healthier environment, and ultimately, a more profitable farming operation.

Curious about how biologicals can boost your farm’s productivity? Test your soil for free or contact us now to discover how ROI Biologicals can revolutionize your agricultural methods for the better.